a clean kitchen

Clean up your Kitchen like a Pro!

The kitchen is a central hub of activity in most homes. It's where meals are prepared, enjoyed, and sometimes, the source of some post-meal disarray. By investing some time and effort in these washing up  & clean up practices, you'll be able to breathe in the fresh air of a squeaky clean kitchen!


Accidental cuts & breaks

Never put knives, glasses in a sink full of dish water, instead keep them aside in clear view. It’s too easy to lose track of them in the soapy water, then fish around for them and get accidentally cut Also placing glasses in dish water could result in breakage when you stack heavy pans on top of it.


Used oil disposal

Don't discard used oil into your sink, this will damage your drain over time! I generally let excess oil cool down first and then dispose it in a used Yogurt box


Gear for different strokes

Use different sponge, dishcloths for cleaning dishes and wiping counters to prevent cross-contamination. Honestly, its just gross to use the same sponge for the entire kitchen


Wash Like a Pro

Start with the least greasy items first – think glasses, cutlery, and then plates. Leave the pots and pans with tougher grime for later. This prevents cross-contamination from transferring greasy residue to cleaner dishes


Dish Towel Dilemma

While some folks prefer drying dishes with a dish towel, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria if not washed and sanitized regularly. Consider letting dishes air dry for a more hygienic approach.


Manage Time Like a Pro!

While waiting for water to boil or food to bake, use that time to wash a few dishes. I’ve often had the best creative ideas while washing dishes in a zen state


Clean Your Sink

After washing the dishes, disinfect the sink with a food-safe disinfectant or a hot water and vinegar solution. This ensures your sink doesn't become a breeding ground for germs and you don’t have to literally throw the kitchen sink!


Clean Your Aprons

Also don’t forget to throw your aprons in the washing machine once a week. Do check the care labels on your apron before washing up!

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